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Sunday, August 25, 2024

                                                              Roadside Requiem

Along the roadside, dreams lie shattered,

Tents destroyed, lives shattered.

Occupation's bombs have ripped the air,

Leaving canvas ghosts and dark despair.

Debris of wood mark the kill,

A landscape surreal, too raw to heal.

In crimson pools, broken forms lie still,

Silent witnesses on this gory hill.

A man face down in scarlet spread,

Life's essence fled, gray matter shed.

Another soul, limbs pretzel-bound,

A grotesque sculpture on bloodied ground.

Sand cradles a fragment of being,

A severed head, past horror seeing.

Mustached lips, forever parted wide,

An eternal roar where silence hides.

In tattered shade, a tiny form,

Too young to weather this cruel storm.

Eyes closed in eternal repose,

Innocence lost as chaos grows.

Broken bodies, stories untold,

In war's embrace, forever cold.

This roadside scene, a grim tableau,

Of humanity's darkest, lowest low.

Canvas whispers and metal screams,

Echo the death of countless dreams.

In aftermath's silent, solemn hour,

We witness destruction's awful power.